Travel Soccer Information

Barnegat Soccer Club follows the Laws of the Games with exceptions to the variations listed by OCR, MOSA and Mid-New Jersey Soccer Leagues:
Laws of the Game: https://www.theifab.com/
(Individual League Rules may modify the above rules, however whichever is the stricter of the rules prevails unless otherwise noted)
Recreation Travel: We participate in the Ocean County Recreational League
Current 2021 - 2022 Season Year Teams
Surge- U9G (Girls 2013-2014)
Shooting Stars (Girls 2015-2016)
Competitive Travel: We participate in the MOSA (Monmouth-Ocean Soccer Association)
Current 2021 - 2022 Season Year Teams
Strikers - U13B (Boys 2009-2010)
Tide- U12G (Girls 2010 - 2011)
Blast- U11B (Boys 2011-2012)
Cobras- U10B (Boys 2012-2013)
We are associated with NJ Youth Soccer and US Soccer